Monday, September 1, 2008

Bye Bye Binkey!

Today, Delaney turned 3 and we've been telling her for a while that when she turns 3 she can't have her binkey anymore.  So this evening when I wouldn't give it to her she started sobbing and saying over and over "I don't want to be 3!"


Terry and Lori said...

Awww don't make her cry.. Give her back her binky.. She looks so sad.. jk I know it was probably harder on you then her..

Michael and Angela said...

Give her back her binky! Poor baby! No, you will feel so much better not seeing that thing in her mouth! :-) Good job mom! Just don't give in and give it back to her though. Because then, you'll have to go thru this all over again! :-)

Jocelyn Lykins said...

When I dropped her off at preschool today she wouldn't stop sobbing. I wanted to run home and find a binkey to give to her. And yes, it is harder on me than Delaney!

Rick and Sheri said...

Aww, Aunt Re Re says, give her the binky! They grow up so fast, keep them babies as long as they'll let you! I know it's better for her though. Be strong Mom, you're doing a great job! I think it's so cute though that she said, "I don't want to be 3!"

Ashley said...

Delaney looks like, "Its tuff being three. I just want a binky. Is that to hard to ask!!" But be strong mommy.

Jocelyn Lykins said...

I cut a whole in her binkey last night. She cried for a little bit, but she slept the whole night without it and she didn't ask for it in the morning! Yeah!

Kristi said...

I going to start picketing for Delaney's binky...It could be like Brooklin and it be her fingers...I can't really cut those.
I promise she'll get rid of it soon. Just give in.
did I tell you she has beautiful blue eyes...(I'm trying to help her out).
a binky doesn't hurt anything. many opinions!!!


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